Social Listening

What is it?



Social listening is the process of tracking conversations on the internet around what is being said about a company, product or brand, and then using that information to discover opportunities or create content for those audiences.

So how does social listening differ from social monitoring? “Monitoring sees trees; listening sees the forest.” – Dan Needly

Monitoring collects every social mention and action, while listening requires analysis and reflection. With the latter, you can watch for patterns, track sentiment and draw conclusions based on where and when conversations happen.

Actively “listening” for mentions or discussions, you can avoid missing out on the opportunity to delight customers or collect valuable feedback. 

Social Listening can impact:

Customer Service - People now turn to social networks for venting, questions and feedback, giving businesses a huge opportunity to be more involved in the customer experience.

Identify Influencers - Consumers rely on social media to inform their purchasing decisions. Consumers trust peer recommendations, while only a few trust ads.

Track hashtags and Phrases - Working on a specific campaign? Don’t let those mentions go unheard.

Support Marketing -  Inputs derived from analytical reports provide much needed legitimacy for future marketing communications. The impact of data backed initiatives is more predictable.

Gauge Brand Sentiment - It’s important to understand what consumers have to say about your brand. You may not be able to shrug off negative comments but through sentiment analysis you can see where you stand.
